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Give your sites the edge

Netlify Edge is an advanced, global platform for powering web experiences that are fast, reliable, and secure. Make your websites feel nearly instant for every visitor.


Share progress faster. Get better feedback

Transform images on demand without impacting build times with Netlify Image CDN

  • Ensure the most efficient image format is delivered to the requesting client through content negotiation

  • Integrate natively with image transformations for increased performance

  • Unlock Image CDN within the Netlify Platform regardless of which framework you prefer

Store and retrieve blobs with Netlify Blobs

  • Ensure an integrated, zero-configuration approach to implementing multiple data stores with automated provisioning, configuration, and access controls
  • Read and write blob objects with ease using Netlify Functions or the Netlify CLI

  • Utilize blob stores in background functions where long-running processing jobs need to persist the results of computation upon completion

Make your websites & applications dramatically faster

Global distribution with automated prerendering makes for impressively fast site delivery. Smashing Magazine moved to Netlify for a 10× boost in performance.

Extremely reliable. Extremely secure.

Every deploy publishes your apps to be served across all of our global edge locations—your own web servers and CDN are no longer required. And with our High-Performance Edge, your apps are deployed to multiple cloud providers for ultimate reliability. Since web pages are rendered in advance, edge nodes serve secure, static assets with little opportunity for exploit.

Make your websites & applications dramatically faster

Global distribution with automated prerendering makes for impressively fast site delivery. Smashing Magazine moved to Netlify for a 10× boost in performance.

Extremely reliable. Extremely secure.

Every deploy publishes your apps to be served across all of our global edge locations—your own web servers and CDN are no longer required. And with our High-Performance Edge, your apps are deployed to multiple cloud providers for ultimate reliability. Since web pages are rendered in advance, edge nodes serve secure, static assets with little opportunity for exploit.

No maintenance windows, broken deploys, or stale content

Cache control on most CDNs is tricky business. On Netlify Edge, every global deploy is an instant, atomic update of your application. Worldwide caches are invalidated instantly, supporting richer applications than possible on a CDN. Deploy thousands of times daily without any risk of partial deploys or stale assets.

Edge personalization made easy

Use Netlify Edge Functions to run custom logic at the network edge using standards-based Deno runtime. Deliver incredibly fast dynamic experiences — instantly localize language, serve relevant banner ads, customize authentication….and much more. Edge Functions offer native integration with web frameworks like Next.js, Nuxt, and Remix, so developers can easily manage frontend and backend code together.

Empower every stakeholder to collaborate on Netlify

Collaborative Deploy Previews help developers get implementation feedback from stakeholders without disrupting development workflows.

Project Managers

Prevent last-minute scrambles at the end of your release cycle by engaging stakeholders earlier in your development workflow


Collect implementation feedback with your Deploy Previews without waiting for code reviews

Web Developers

Collect implementation feedback with your Deploy Previews without waiting for code reviews

Project Managers

Prevent last-minute scrambles at the end of your release cycle by engaging stakeholders earlier in your development workflow

Upgrade to High-Performance